Our services
- installation and online formation
- hosting on our servers
- free updates during the year.
- we can create your bookstore website, given your graphical wishes.
- with or without online payment
Online solution
Our web solution for bookstores is our fully-featured website to publish your books' catalog online and enable online payments.
The online command is optional. Tell us what you want.
We also develop an open-source books catalog that you can self-host (sans online payments).
With our associates, we develop your own website with your own graphical theme. You'll get:
- static pages (welcome page, contact, etc)
- a "blog" (optional)
- we can automatically publish new articles to Facebook and your mailing list.
- an interactive widget to see your books selection and the new entries
- a search field
- everything is responsive (works for computers, tablets and smartphones)
- you have access to visit statistics, respecting the GDPR reglementation (no cookies banner to click)
As an administrator, you get:
- an administrative panel
- the possibility to export accounting reports of your sells
- with the right VAT applied to books, other products and shipping costs.
How much
A website costs between 1800 and 4500€ the first year. The ready-to-use catalog is cheaper than the full-featured website.